Saturday, August 25, 2012
Basil Peaches
It's the end of peach season and I've been attempting a peach dessert since I first saw peaches in July. The trouble is I always eat them, not that I've ever bought enough for a whole pie or anything...but ripe local peaches are just so flavorful!
Well, I finally did it. I noticed the seller at the Union Square Market was tossing away the bruised and battered peaches with undesirable holes and depressions. I asked if I could buy them cheaper to make into a pie and she was willing. This is a great tactic to try with cooking fruit. The lesser parts can be cut out and the residual fruit (if picked recently) is utterly fresh and supremely good. I had the basil from my dad and step-mom's garden. The recipe is borrowed from Food52 and the link is here.
That said, I made some alterations:
Basil Infused Peaches
3/4 cup white wine
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
1/4 cup 100% pomegranate juice
1/4 cup honey
The rest of the recipe is as the website indicates. I HIGHLY recommend it. This is one of the greatest desserts I've ever had. (A bold statement, I know!)
Hey Caitie! Kathleen here--do you think you could replace the sugar with more honey, or a substitute like agave nectar? This looks really yummy, but I've sworn off refined sugar, and I'm bad at substitutions--especially since sweetness can be hard to gauge.
ReplyDeleteAlso I recently baked quince for the first time. If you can get your hands on a couple, quarter them, sprinkle lemon juice then bake with honey, cinnamon and cloves (cover dish with aluminum while baking). Serve with toasted walnuts if you feel like it. They take forEVER to cook (up to 2 hours) but soooo yummy. Plus you can't eat them raw, so no excuse not to bake them. :-)
You could definitely cut the sugar out of the equation. Agave, honey and even just the peach juice that transfers is enough to sweeten the syrup.
DeleteAs for the quince, I've never even tried one! That sounds INCREDIBLE. It's time our minds come together again in the same kitchen! What fruit should we tackle next?